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Common questions about real-time monitoring
Common questions about real-time monitoring
Updated over a week ago

How do I download the app for the real-time meter?

You can find the app in the App Store or Google Play Store where all apps are available.

How does the app for the real-time meter work with Greenely?

Currently, the Saveeye app is standalone as this is a pilot project. The ambition is to integrate the software into our app in Q3 2024!

Does the real-time meter work with all network companies?

Yes, it works with all network companies.

I have an electricity meter from Kampstrup, what should I do?

The problem with the meter from Kampstrup (specifically their Omni Power) is that the port cannot supply enough power to our real-time meter. This can be solved with a splitter, but it's best to check with your network company how/if it can be solved differently. If your network company cannot provide extra power to the RJ12 port, unfortunately, you will not be able to use our meter as we do not have a meter compatible with RJ45 ports.

Do I need an electrician to install the real-time meter?

No, you do not need an electrician to install the real-time meter; you can easily do this yourself by following these steps. You can read more about how to install the real-time meter here. However, you need to ensure with your network company that the port on the electricity meter is unlocked.

Do I need any other port than the P1/RJ12 port?

No, you do not need any other port than what is on the meter!

What should I do if the real-time meter does not connect to my network or does not open the pop-up window automatically?

If you cannot connect the device to WiFi, you must open a web browser and type in You will then be redirected to a WiFi configuration page in the app where you will receive instructions on what to do to reconnect.

Can the real-time meter show how much electricity selected appliances consume, such as underfloor heating and showers?

No, not specifically. You will be able to see how much electricity the entire household is using together. If you want to know more specifically, you can, for example, turn on or off various appliances in the home while using the app to see what is consuming energy.

How do I place SaveEye on my electricity meter?

It doesn't matter as long as it is placed on the electricity meter.

Is the real-time meter compatible with solar power production?

Yes, the real-time meter is compatible with solar production. With the real-time meter, you can track your surplus from your production facility in real-time. You will not be able to see how much of your total solar power you use yourself. This can be seen with the help of your inverter. Here is a list of all the inverters we support in the app.

Does the real-time meter need to be connected to WiFi?

Yes, the real-time meter must be connected to WiFi to function and preferably with the best possible connection (2.4 GHz). We do not support 5 GHz.

I have changed my WiFi router, what do I do if the real-time meter stops working?

If you have changed your WiFi router, you need to reset the device and redo the WiFi connection.

What do I do with the real-time meter if I want to terminate the real-time meter subscription?

If you terminate the real-time subscription, you must return the real-time meter to Greenely within one month after termination. You are responsible for the postage, and it only needs to be sent to us via regular mail. Remember to include your name and customer number. Note: This also applies if you have participated in a campaign.

You return the real-time meter to:

Greenely AB

Vasagatan 40

111 20 Stockholm

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