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Real-time monitoring
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With our real-time meter, you will be able to track your electricity consumption in real-time, which means you can easily monitor your current usage and detect any potential energy thieves in time.

The benefits of having a real-time meter are numerous, but as we mentioned earlier, you can easily identify energy thieves and reduce your electricity consumption. Real-time monitoring gives you a better understanding of your electricity use and allows you to test different appliances and devices in your home. Unfortunately, you can't see what specific appliances consume, but you can compare how your electricity consumption increases within seconds of turning on various appliances.

The real-time meter we support comes from Saveeyes, and currently, you can track your real-time data in their app. This will soon also be integrated into your account in the Greenely app! Saveeyes' real-time meter works with all network companies, and the only thing you need to ensure before ordering your real-time meter is that your meter has a P1/RJ12 port. P1/RJ12 ports are the standard ports for most modern electricity meters in Sweden. No electrician is needed to get started, but you need to contact your electricity network company to get started. You can do this easily on their website or by calling and informing them that you will start using a real-time meter so that they can activate the port for you.

Note: If you have a meter from Kampstrup (omni power), a splitter is needed to provide our meter with extra power. Contact your network company for more information.

Here is what a P1/RJ12 port looks like:

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