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Why an hourly price can give you the best electricity price!
Updated over a week ago

Hourly pricing allows you to get the absolute lowest electricity price and be rewarded with a lower electricity bill. An hourly rate provides 100% transparency on the cost of electricity at different times of the day, allowing you as a consumer to influence the price yourself. Many of our customers have, in some cases, managed to cut their costs to half compared to the market's variable prices.

The myth of variable electricity pricing

How does the hourly pricing differ from traditional fixed and variable electricity pricing?

Below, we clarify the differences:

Fixed Price

- You typically commit for one to three years and get the same price throughout the period regardless of when you use electricity. This may seem secure, but you risk paying more when electricity prices drop. You lose the flexibility to take advantage of lower prices during certain periods, and it may become more expensive in the long run.

Variable Price

- You get the average price applicable for that month. Many with a variable agreement believe they can save money by optimizing consumption during cheap hours, but this is a myth. While you benefit the electricity system, it doesn't impact your wallet.

Hourly Pricing

- With an hourly price agreement, you pay the current price per kWh, which varies hour by hour. This gives you the opportunity to save money by adjusting your electricity consumption to the cheapest hours of the day. By being flexible and planning your usage, you can benefit from lower prices and reduce your electricity costs.

How to get the cheapest electricity

Through Greenely's app, users can see the cost of electricity hour by hour for a day ahead and receive push notifications on their mobile when electricity is particularly cheap or expensive. Hourly price agreements are based on you, as an electricity consumer, seeing today's and tomorrow's prices, allowing you to plan your electricity consumption smarter.

The app also allows you to automate a large portion of your electricity consumption in several areas at home. Greenely's ambition is not for our customers to monitor prices hour by hour—that's our job. Thanks to various integrations in the app, you can, for example, connect your electric car to always charge when it's cheapest, optimize house heating, and control smart devices in your home. You shouldn't have to think too much—the app handles it for you.

What Greenely Offers:

  • Greenely offers hourly price agreements for electricity. As electricity prices vary every hour, you can get the lowest electricity price if you use electricity smartly.

  • 100% fossil-free electricity.

  • Membership costs 49 SEK per month if you pay for the entire year upfront or 69 SEK if you pay monthly. This amount covers the service's functionality and app development.

  • The app gives you full control. Stay updated with today's electricity prices, your consumption, compare with your neighbor, and access reports. You also receive warnings when electricity prices are high.

  • Connect your home's smart devices to the app for optimization, such as your electric car, charging box, battery, heating control, and solar panels.

  • Greenely has no binding period and will assist you in terminating your current electricity agreement if needed.

  • If you have solar panels, you can sell the surplus to Greenely at a competitive price.

Become a customer on our website or in the app, or contact us at support, and we will help you!

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