Greenely har under åren haft glädjen att hjälpa över 200 000 hushåll att förstå och optimera sin elanvändning. Genom att göra energidata mer tillgängligt och begripligt har plattformen bidragit till att ge svenska hushåll bättre kontroll över sina elkostnader och en ökad förståelse för sin energiförbrukning.
Från och med 24 februari kommer samtliga funktioner i Greenely-appen endast att vara tillgängliga för hushåll med ett elavtal via Greenely. Detta beslut är nödvändigt för att säkerställa att resurserna används för att fortsätta utveckla och förbättra tjänsten. Beslutet grundar sig även på nya regleringar som förändrar hur energidata får samlas in och delas, vilket påverkar hur tjänsten kan erbjudas.
Genom att fokusera på elkunder kan Greenely fortsatt leverera en högkvalitativ tjänst, utveckla funktioner som skapar värde och samtidigt säkerställa att verksamheten följer nya krav och regler.
Greenely är stolta över vad som har åstadkommits hittills och ser fram emot att ta nästa steg i utvecklingen av plattformen.
Frågor och svar
Varför upphör den kostnadsfria appen, och hur påverkar det befintliga användare?
För att fokusera resurser på hushåll med elavtal genom Greenely kommer den kostnadsfria appen att upphöra från och med 24 februari 2025. Detta möjliggör förbättringar i funktionalitet och service. De nya regleringarna kring energidata har också gjort det svårare att driva en gratistjänst på samma sätt som tidigare. Användare utan elavtal kommer att förlora tillgången till appens funktioner från och med detta datum.
Vilken reglering påverkar detta beslut?
Energimarknadsinspektionens nya direktiv ställer högre krav på hur energidata samlas in och delas av energitjänsteföretag. Direktivet innebär ökade krav på säkerhet och hantering av energidata. Samtidigt medför den föreslagna tekniska lösningen betydande utmaningar, både för företag som Greenely, som arbetar för att göra energidata mer transparent, och för elkonsumenter som möts av en mer komplicerad process. Dessutom finns en risk att elnätsbolag börjar ta betalt för att tillhandahålla grundläggande energidata, vilket tidigare varit kostnadsfritt.
Vilka funktioner kommer inte längre vara tillgängliga utan elavtal?
Användare utan elavtal via Greenely kommer endast att ha tillgång till dagens och morgondagens spotpriser samt notiser om höga eller låga elpriser. Funktioner som historisk eldata, jämförelser, och integrationer med elbilar och smarta apparater i hemmet kommer att kräva ett elavtal via Greenely.
Vad händer med användardata om ett elavtal inte tecknas?
För att säkerställa integritet och datasäkerhet kommer samtliga personliga uppgifter och data att raderas tre månader efter att appen låsts. Genom att teckna ett elavtal innan 24 februari 2025 kan data och alla funktioner i appen behållas.
Kommer detta påverka befintliga kunder?
Användare med ett aktivt elavtal påverkas inte av förändringen. De behåller tillgången till alla funktioner och sin data som vanligt. Om ett elavtal avslutas kommer dock funktionerna i appen och all användardata att försvinna.
Greenely tackar för det förtroende som visats genom åren och ser fram emot att fortsätta utveckla tjänsten och leverera värde för elkunder.
Vi har uppdaterat våra användarvillkor för att spegla viktiga förändringar i hur Greenely-appen fungerar. Dessa förändringar träder i kraft den 24 februari 2025 och påverkar hur du kan använda vår tjänst.
Vad innebär uppdateringen?
Från och med den 24 februari 2025 kommer samtliga funktioner i Greenely-appen endast att vara tillgängliga för hushåll med ett elavtal via Greenely.
Nya regleringar kring energidata påverkar hur vi kan samla in och dela information, vilket har lett till förändringar i tjänsten.
Om du inte har ett elavtal via Greenely kommer du endast att ha tillgång till dagens och morgondagens spotpriser samt notiser om elpriser.
Du kan läsa de fullständiga användarvillkoren nedan:
Greenely User Terms
Last updated January 27, 2025
These user terms (the ”Terms”) are applicable when Greenely AB, org. no 556960-9794, (”Greenely” or “we”) provides energy advisory services, energy-related applications and other energy-related services via, the Greenely Mobile App, and other websites, apps, communication systems and services associated with Greenely (the ”Services”).
By creating a Greenely account you agree to these Terms. These Terms do not apply to services stating that they are subject to other terms of use. Neither these Terms nor your creation of a Greenely account implies any obligation on Greenely to provide, uphold and/or maintain any Services.
Greenely may at any time by giving 30 days notification in the Mobile App decide to remove, restrict access to and/or cease to provide the Service(s) in full or in part. Changes with regard to specific Services and/or the Mobile App as such may be made without prior notification.
Changes in User Terms
Greenely reserves the right to change the Terms at any time by updating this page. You will always be notified of any material changes in the manner appropriate with regards to the circumstances, giving you the possibility to review the changes before they come into effect.
The changes are not applied retroactively. If you oppose any change you have the right to close your account. Your continued use of our Services 30 days after publication or notice of changes in these Terms means that you agree to the changed Terms.
1. Our Services
● Use
When using our Services, you may, from time to time be required to provide Greenely access to your login information to third parties, such as electricity network operators (”external login information”).
By creating a Greenely account, you authorize and instruct Greenely to use your external login information on your behalf to retrieve information from these external user accounts to your Greenely account.
● Information
You are responsible for ensuring that you have the right to use external login
information and the Information in our Services. Moreover, you are
responsible for all use of our Services and for ensuring that your login
information is protected against unauthorized access. You are also
responsible for ensuring that the information you provide to Greenely is up-to-
date and correct.
● Cost and access to Services
The use of the Services is free of charge, provided, however, that access to
certain Services may require that you also become a customer of Greenely (a
“Greenely Customer”) engaging Greenely as your electricity supplier in
accordance with a separate agreement. The Services that are only available
for Greenely Customers will be shown in the Greenely Mobile App from time
to time. Greenely may at its sole discretion at any time, by giving 30 days prior
notice change accessibility so that a Service previously available to all users
will only be available to Greenely Customers. Greenely is not responsible for
any traffic charges from your mobile operator, internet service provider, or
charges from your electricity supplier (if any other than Greenely) which may
apply when using our Services.
2. Description of Services
As set out above, you acknowledge that some of the Services below may only be
available to Greenely Customers.
● Greenely Smart Heating Control & Greenely Smart Electric Car Charging
Greenely helps you improve your home's indoor comfort by providing the
Service Greenely Smart Heating Control. By connecting your home's heating
to the Greenely Mobile App, Greenely can control the heating automatically.
Greenely also helps you optimize your electric car charging by providing the
Service Greenely Smart Electric Car Charging. By connecting your electric car
and charging box to the Greenely Mobile App, Greenely can control your
charging. For the purpose of our Services and to be able to use Smart
Heating Control and/or Smart Electric Car Charging, you may be asked to
provide us with details and information regarding your energy consumption,
heating, electric car, charging box etc. By entering the requested details and
information, you accept that the information can be used and processed by
Greenely within the scope of our Services. You may also be asked to
integrate third-party devices, such as heating devices, electric cars and
charging boxes (devices) to the Greenely Mobile App. By integrating your
devices, you authorize Greenely to:
1. retrieve data from the integrated devices;
2. control the integrated devices, for the purpose of controlling and
optimizing your heating consumption and electric car charging. This
control may include Greenely turning on and off the devices.
● Greenely Solar Panels
In the Greenely Mobile App, you can track how much of your solar production
is being used. Greenely also offers advice to those who are considering
purchasing solar panels. For the purpose of our Services and to be able to
use the Service Greenely Solar Panels, you will be asked to provide us with
details and information regarding your energy consumption, inverter, solar
panels etc. By entering the requested details and information, you accept that
the information can be used and processed by Greenely within the scope of
our Services. You may also be asked to integrate third-party devices, such as
your solar cells, to the Greenely Mobile App. By integrating your devices, you
authorize Greenely to retrieve data from the integrated devices. Greenely also
offers to buy produced energy and enables users to track how much energy
they sell back to the grid and at what price. This requires a separate
consumption and production agreement between the user and Greenely and
is thus not regulated by these Terms.
●Greenely Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
Greenely provides a seamless way to manage your energy storage needs
through the Service Greenely Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). By
connecting your battery storage system to the Greenely Mobile App, Greenely
can monitor and optimize your energy storage usage. For the purpose of our
Services, and to enable the full functionality of the Greenely Battery Energy
Storage System, you may be asked to provide us with details and information
regarding your battery storage system. By entering the requested details and
information, you accept that the information can be used and processed by
Greenely within the scope of our Services.
By integrating your devices, you authorize Greenely to:
1. Retrieve data from the integrated devices to track energy storage
performance and usage.
2. Control the integrated devices, to optimize energy storage, including
storing and releasing energy based on your home’s energy
consumption needs.
Additionally, Greenely enables customers to monitor the economic
benefits of stored energy, including options for managing energy costs
and balancing grid demand during peak hours. If applicable, Greenely
offers to assist with selling stored energy back to the grid, allowing
users to maximize the return on their battery storage investments.
● Greenely Flexibility
The aim with Greenely Flexibility is to help stabilize the frequency in the
power grid in case of major frequency deviations and to acts as a balancing
resource. Greenely Flexibility offers a unique opportunity for users to become
active participants in the energy transition. By connecting your devices to the
Greenely Mobile App, such as your charging box or a battery storage system,
you become part of Greenely’s Virtual Power Plant. For the purposes of our
Services and to be able to use the Service Greenely Flexibility, you will be
asked to integrate third-party devices or applications, such as your charging
box, with the Greenely Mobile App. By integrating your devices, you authorize
Greenely to:
1. retrieve data from the integrated devices or applications;
2. control the integrated devices, for the purpose of stabilizing the
frequency in the power grid in case of major frequency deviations. This
control may include Greenely turning on and off the devices.
● Compensation is paid to Greenely’s users who integrate their devices to
Greenely Flexibility, with the amount and in the form applicable at the time.
Greenely reserves the right to change the amounts and forms for the
compensation, as well as to close down access to Greenely Flexibility, without
this entailing any obligation for Greenely to pay compensation (unless
otherwise specifically agreed).
● Order of priority
In the event that a user is connected to both Greenely Flexibility and Greenely
Smart Heating Control & Greenely Smart Electric Car Charging or Battery
Energy Storage Systems and has integrated the same third-party device or
devices with both of these services, control of the integrated devices within
the scope of Greenely Flexibility will take precedence over control over
integrated devices within the scope of Greenely Smart Heating Control &
Greenely Smart Electric Car Charging. In the event that a user is connected to
both our Services and any third-party service or application which may
overlap with our Services, for example by the same devices being integrated
with both the Greenely Mobile App and a third-party service or application at
the same time, control over the integrated devices within the scope of our
Services will take precedence over control over the same integrated devices
within the scope of any third-party service or application.
3. Rights and limitations
● Intellectual property rights
Subject to your compliance with the Terms, Greenely grants you a non-
exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, and limited right to access
and use the Services, solely for your personal, non-commercial use. This right
to access is granted for the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the
benefit of the Services, in the manner permitted by the Terms. Greenely
reserves all intellectual property rights in our Services. You do not receive
ownership of the Greenely Mobile App or the content or information available
through our Services in connection with your use of our Services. Trademarks
and logos used in conjunction with our Services are trademarks of their
respective owners.
● Information
It is not permitted to copy, modify, distribute, or publish content from the
Greenely Mobile App without Greenely’s permission. Our Services are
protected under copyright law and other intellectual property legislation.
However, it is permitted to download, copy, and save information from the
Greenely Mobile App for your own personal use.
● Data regarding energy
Consumption data and other information is made available by electricity
network operators and other relevant parties. Greenely has highly developed
routines for quality assurance of the information and aims to ensure that all
information in our Services is correct, complete, and up to date. Greenely
takes all reasonable measures to ensure that this is the case. However,
Greenely cannot guarantee complete reliability or accuracy regarding all
information presented in the Greenely Mobile App, among other things,
because such information is obtained from third parties.
● Electricity prices
Our Services include, among other things, price information from Nord Pool
Spot. As a user of our Services, you may not pass on this information without
a separate contract and agreement with Nord Pool AS.
● No warranty
Greenely takes all reasonable measures to ensure the functionality of our
Services. However, from time to time, certain technical complications,
upgrades, testing or similar may result in temporary interruptions. Unless
otherwise stipulated in these Terms, all Services are provided “as is” and
without any warranties, with all potential faults, defects, bugs and errors.
Greenely does not make any warranty regarding our Services, which includes
that Greenely disclaims to the fullest extent permitted by law any other
warranties, whether expressed or implied, including but not limited to any
implied warranties regarding merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose. No advice or information received by you from Greenely shall be
deemed to create any warranty from Greenely in this regard.
● Third-party applications
Our Services include integrations with third-party applications and services.
Such applications and services may be subject to separate terms of use,
technical limitations, terms for personal data, etc., that governs your use of
these applications and/or services. Greenely does not in any way guarantee
compatibility with these applications and/or services. Greenely shall have no
liability towards you for any performance or non-performance of such third-
party applications and/or services, nor for any damages or interruptions to our
Services and your use thereof caused by third-party applications and/or
● Liability
You are liable for all activities that you as a user undertake on the basis of the
information presented on the Greenely Mobile App. Greenely cannot be held
responsible in any way for any decisions that have been made based on the
information contained in our Services. In cases where Greenely refers to a
website, organization/company, or physical product belonging to a third party,
such reference is only intended as a service for the user for which Greenely
cannot be held liable.
● Restricted access
Greenely has the right at any given time to suspend a user and terminate an
account if the user violates the Terms, any provisions under applicable
national and/or international law, or uses our Services in a way that may
cause damage to Greenely or to a third party.
● Limitation of liability
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, there shall be no liability for
Greenely towards you for any claims of loss of data, loss of production, loss of
profit, loss of use, loss of contracts or for any other consequential, economic
or indirect loss that arise out of the subject matter of these Terms, nor shall
Greenely have any liability towards you for any cost, damage or loss caused
by or arising as a result of or in connection with any shortfall of internet
access, cyberattacks, computer viruses and/or software bugs. Greenely’s
aggregate liability for any claim in relation to a particular Service will not, in
any event, exceed the fees paid by you for the relevant Service during the 12
months preceding the date upon which the related claim arose. Within the
scope of our Services, Greenely is not responsible for any loss or damage
(including indirect damages) when integrating third-party applications,
controlling integrated third-party devices, collecting or analyzing data.
Greenely is neither responsible for any damage on third-party devices
integrated with our Services.
In the event that Greenely controls any integrated third-party devices to
optimize heating, charging and/or to help stabilize the frequency in the power
grid within the scope of our Services, Greenely takes no responsibility for the
effects of the control of the integrated third-party, including, but not limited to,
any potential costs that the control may entail for you. Furthermore, Greenely
is not liable for failure or deficiencies in the performance of our Services or
delay in relation to the obligations arising from these Terms caused by force
majeure, or any other cause which could not reasonably be anticipated or
which is beyond Greenely’s reasonable control.
● Electronic communications
By agreeing to the Terms, you accept that the Terms are entered into
electronically. The same applies to future changes to the Terms. Furthermore,
you agree that due to the Terms and our Services that you use in the
Greenely Mobile App, we can communicate with you electronically, for
example via e-mail, SMS, messages in the Greenely Mobile App and through
push messages.
4. Choice and rights
● Right of withdrawal
By creating a Greenely account, you enter into an agreement with Greenely
regarding the provision of digital content. You have the right to withdraw from
the agreement by giving us a clear notice of this within 14 days from the
creation of the Greenely account, or within 14 days from signing up to any
additional Service or Services which you did not sign up to when creating your
Greenely account. The notice shall be sent either by email to
[email protected] or by regular mail to Greenely AB, Vasagatan 40, 111
20 Stockholm, Sweden. You may also exercise your right of withdrawal by
sending us a filled out standard form from the Swedish Consumer Agency,
available here.
● Close of your account and termination of Services
You can close your account and terminate your Services at any time by
contacting Greenely either by email to [email protected] or by regular mail
to Greenely AB, Vasagatan 40, 111 20 Stockholm, Sweden. Your account will
be closed as soon as possible after your request. If you are using any Service
which entitle you to compensation from Greenely, Greenely will settle any
potential compensation which has not yet been paid out to you in connection
with the closing of your account.
5. Other important information
● Personal data
All matters related to the collection, use, and processing of your personal data
in connection with the use of the Services are governed by Greenely’s
separate Privacy Policy. By using the Services, you acknowledge that you
have read and understood our Privacy Policy, which outlines how Greenely
handles your personal information, your rights, and the measures Greenely
takes to protect your privacy in accordance with applicable data protection
laws, including the GDPR and any relevant national regulations.
● Please review our Privacy Policy carefully, as it forms an integral part of these
terms. You can access the Privacy Policy within the app
● Assignment
Greenely has the right to transfer its rights and obligations under these Terms
to any third party. Furthermore, Greenely has the right to use subcontractors
for the fulfilment of its obligations.
● Governing law and Dispute resolution
Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the Terms or your use of our
Services shall be settled by Swedish courts with Stockholm district court as
court of first instance. These Terms and our Services are governed by the
substantive laws of Sweden.
● Contact information
Contact Greenely by email, [email protected], in the first instance if you
have questions or remarks regarding the Terms. Greenely’s address:
Vasagatan 40, 111 20 Stockholm, Sweden.